Climate and water services

of the next-generation following a human-centred, social & behaviourally informed approach, and integrating local data and knowledge.

Funded projects

EU Horizon 2020

2021-2025 "I-CISK: Innovating climate services through integrating scientific and local knowledge", 5 M Euros, 13 partners (Principal Investigator, PI)

2021-2025 "CLINT: Climate Intelligence: extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning", (nr 101003876), 6 M Euros, 15 partners (PI)

2017-2020 "S2S4E: Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate forecasting for Energy", (nr 776786), 4.8 M Euro, 12 partners (PI)

2017-2020 "CLARA: Climate forecast enabled knowledge services", (nr 730482), 4 M Euros, 10 partners (co-PI)

Copernicus Programme Emergency Management Service (CEMS)

2018-2021 "WaterSIS- operational", (nr C3S_424), 2 M Euros, SMHI as Contractor (co-PI)

2019-2020 "Demonstrating the potential of the Copernicus Climate Data Store for Kenyan smallholder farmers: a scalable adaptation services approach" (nr C3S_429_Lot1), 75,000 Euros, SMHI as sub-contractor, (co-PI)

2017-2019 "GLORIOUS: Global users in the Copernicus Climate Change Service", (nr C3S_422_Lot1), 2 M Euros, SMHI as Contractor (co-PI)

2015-2017 "SWICCA: Service for water indicators in climate change adaptation", (nr C3S_441_Lot1), 2 M Euros, SMHI as Contractor (co-PI)

Swedish Energimyn-digheten

2021-2024 "The role of hydropower as a regulatory resource in a renewable energy system with climate impact and increased internationalization of electricity markets", (nr 52095-1), 400 K Euros, 3 partners (PI)

2018-2021 "Long-term forecasts of wind and hydropower supply in a fluctuating climate - Importance for production planning and investments in energy storage and power transmission", (nr 46412-1), 400 K Euros, 3 partners (SMHI's Project Manager)


2013-2016 "EUPORIAS - EUropean Provision Of Regional Impact Assessment on a Seasonal to decadal timescale", (nr 308291), 9 M Euros, 24 partners (SMHI's Project Manager)

Recommended references

Crochemore, L., and Coauthors, 2024: A framework for joint verification and evaluation of seasonal climate services across socio-economic sectors. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,

Wörman, A., Pechlivanidis, I., Mewes, D. et al. 2024. 'Spatiotemporal management of solar, wind and hydropower across continental Europe'. Nature Communications Engineering, 3, 3,

Shyrokaya, A., Messori, G., Pechlivanidis, I., Pappenberger, F., Cloke, H., & Di Baldassarre, G., 2024. 'Significant relationships between drought indicators and impacts for the 2018–2019 drought in Germany', Environmental Research Letters, 19, 014037, DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad10d9

Shyrokaya, A., Pappenberger, F., Pechlivanidis, I., Messori, G., Khatami, S., Mazzoleni,M., & Di Baldassarre, G., 2023. 'Advances and gaps in the science and practice of impact-based forecasting of droughts', WIREs Water, e1698.

Cantone, C., Ivars Grape, H., El Habash, S., & Pechlivanidis, I. G., 2023, 'A co-generation success story: Improving drinking water management through hydro-climate services', Climate Services, 31,

Hurkmans, R. T., van den Hurk, B., Schmeits, M., Wetterhall, F., & Pechlivanidis, I. G., 2023, 'Seasonal streamflow forecasting for fresh water reservoir management in the Netherlands: an assessment of multiple prediction systems', J. Hydrometeor.,

White C., et al., 2022, 'Advances in the application and utility of subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions', Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,

Crochemore L., Cantone C., Pechlivanidis I.G., Photiadou C., 2021, 'How does seasonal forecast performance influence decision-making? Insights from a serious game', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,

Giuliani M., Crochemore L., Pechlivanidis I.G., Castelletti A., 2020, 'From skill to value: isolating the influence of end user behavior on seasonal forecast assessment', Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 5891-5902,

Wörman A., Bertacchi Uvo C., Brandimarte L., Busse S., Crochemore L., Girons Lopez M., Hao S., Pechlivanidis I.G., Riml J., 2020, 'Virtual energy storage gain resulting from the spatio-temporal coordination of hydropower over Europe', Applied Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115249

Contreras E., Herrero J., Crochemore L., Pechivanidis I.G., Photiadou C., Aguilar C., Polo M.J., 2020, 'Advances in the definition of needs and specifications for a climate service tool aimed at small hydropower plants operation and management', Energies, 13, 1827,

Crochemore L., Ramos M-H., Pechlivanidis I.G., 2020, 'Can continental model convey useful seasonal hydrologic information at the catchment scale?', Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR025700.

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