Assimilation of EO assimilation - how much is the added value?
In this blog we discuss the improvement in hydrological model performance by assimilating in-situ and Earth Observation (EO) products individually and in combination. We searched for answers about the combinations of the EO and in-situ datasets that add value to the hydrological model predictions.
These applications can have high economic impact to the hydropower sector, which is a key sector in the Scandinavian countries.
HERE you can find the full blog.

Some key insights are presented in our article in Remote Sensing:
Musuuza J., D. Gustafsson, R. Pimentel, L. Crochemore, I.G. Pechlivanidis (2020), Impact of Satellite and In Situ Data Assimilation on Hydrological Predictions. Remote Sens., 12, 811, doi: 10.3390/rs12050811